Discovering the power of Laravel's `nth()` method

Laravel devs, here's a gem for you: ๐Ÿ’Ž The Laravel Collection class is packed with methods that simplify data manipulation. One particularly useful but lesser-known method is nth(), which allows you to retrieve every n-th element from a collection. This method is perfect for sampling data at regular intervals, making it invaluable for tasks like logging, analytics, and more. Letโ€™s explore how to use the nth() method with an example.

What is nth()?

The nth() method returns a new collection containing every n-th element from the original collection, starting with the first element. This is particularly useful when you need to sample data at regular intervals or when you only need a subset of elements from a large collection.

Example: Sampling Data for Analytics

Suppose you have a collection of user activity logs, and you want to analyze every third log entry to reduce the amount of data processed. Using the nth() method, you can easily extract these entries.

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Creating the Collection

Start by creating a collection of user activity logs:

$logs = collect([
    'log1', 'log2', 'log3', 'log4', 'log5', 'log6', 'log7', 'log8', 'log9'
  1. Using the nth() Method

Use the nth() method to retrieve every third log entry:

$sampledLogs = $logs->nth(3);

// Result: ['log1', 'log4', 'log7']

In this example, the nth() method returns a new collection containing every third element from the original collection, starting with the first element.


The nth() method is a powerful tool in the Laravel Collection class that enables you to sample data efficiently. Whether you are analyzing logs, monitoring periodic events, or working with large data sets, nth() helps you focus on the data points that matter most. By simplifying your data sampling tasks, it makes your code more readable and easier to maintain.

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