Introducing unshift(): A New Laravel Collection Method

Laravel devs, here's a gem for you: πŸ’Ž Laravel continues to evolve, adding new features and enhancements to make development more efficient and enjoyable. One of the latest additions to the Laravel Collection methods is unshift(). This method is akin to PHP's array_unshift, allowing developers to add elements to the beginning of a collection effortlessly. Let's explore how to use this new method with a real-life example.

What is unshift()?

The unshift() method in Laravel Collections is designed to prepend elements to the start of a collection. This is particularly useful when you need to add elements dynamically to the beginning of your data set, ensuring the new elements take precedence.

Why Use unshift()?

  1. Ease of Use:

The unshift() method simplifies the process of adding elements to the beginning of a collection, making your code cleaner and more readable.

  1. Consistency with PHP:

If you're familiar with PHP's array_unshift function, you'll find unshift() in Laravel collections to be intuitive and straightforward, providing a seamless transition for PHP developers.

  1. Efficient Data Manipulation:

Prepending elements can be a common requirement in various scenarios, such as managing queues, handling recent updates, or prioritizing certain data. The unshift() method makes this operation efficient and concise.

Real-Life Example

Let's consider a scenario where you are managing a collection of tasks. New high-priority tasks need to be added to the beginning of the list to ensure they are addressed first.

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

// Existing collection of tasks
$tasks = collect([
    ['id' => 2, 'task' => 'Complete project report', 'priority' => 'medium'],
    ['id' => 3, 'task' => 'Email client update', 'priority' => 'low'],

// New high-priority task
$newTask = ['id' => 1, 'task' => 'Fix critical bug', 'priority' => 'high'];

// Prepend the new task to the collection

// Resulting collection
// Result:
// [
//     ['id' => 1, 'task' => 'Fix critical bug', 'priority' => 'high'],
//     ['id' => 2, 'task' => 'Complete project report', 'priority' => 'medium'],
//     ['id' => 3, 'task' => 'Email client update', 'priority' => 'low'],
// ]

In this example, we start with a collection of existing tasks. When a new high-priority task is introduced, we use the unshift() method to add it to the beginning of the collection. This ensures that the high-priority task is handled first.


The unshift() method is a valuable addition to the Laravel Collection methods, providing an easy and efficient way to prepend elements to a collection. Whether you're managing tasks, queues, or any other data set, unshift() helps keep your data manipulation code clean and concise.

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